Since 1953, Grand Canyon Community Church has partnered with A Christian Ministryin the National Parks, ACMNP to support college and seminary students who spend a summer working full-time in the park while providing relational ministry and worship services on the rim of the Grand Canyon and in the campground. Each summer, ministry staff members come to the Grand Canyon to work full time in the park and minister to local residents and park visitors alike.
Come and participate in one of the most amazing experiences: an opportunity to worship the God of Creation on the rim of one of his most magnificent creations, the Grand Canyon!

If you are planning a summer vacation to the Grand Canyon-South Rim, please make plans to join us for an interdenominational sunset worship service on the rim, sponsored by “A Christian Ministry in the National Parks” (ACMNP). Each service is about 30 minutes long and includes singing of hymns and contemporary worship, Scripture reading, a brief message, and an offering.

The new summer season 2025 will begin in June of 2025. For more information about A Christian Ministry in the National Parks Grand Canyon services or the other National Parks or if you are interested in serving with ACMNP, please go to or call: (800) 786-3450
or (303) 220-2808